Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The faster I go the behinder I get....

So many plans, so little time! Now that the VP of Garden Gate Gifts is back in school, I am renewing my vow to keep up with my poor blog. New Year's is the typical time to make resolutions and start fresh. I have never been typical so I don't know why it surprises me to find that Back to School time is my best time for renewal! Upon further thought it seems an even better time to make decisions and "resolution". The year is half (ok, ok - MOSTLY) over and you can take a look at what's working and what isn't. Are your plans carrying you closer to your goal or farther away? Are you happy with what is going on in your world or does it make you a stressed out, chocolate craving monster (oops, personalizing again!)? If you make changes now you still have the opportunity to reach whatever your goal is for this year.

Grab a cuppa whatever you like, barricade yourself in your Happy Place and take a good, honest look around. If you see a need for a change in your path, MAKE IT! The need for change does not equal a failure of The Plan. The failure would be NOT to make changes if The Plan isn't working for you! Change is good - so they say lol!

So Happy Mid-Year Assessment Day, I sincerely hope all your plans lead you to what is most important in your life!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I stumbled onto your blog today looking for other moms dealing with SPD at home.

    I too am a big "back to school resloution" type girl. A new school year just seems like a fresh start--for our whole family.

    Thanks for sharing,
